About me

[Luz entre partículas] Poetry & performance ~ Festival Vociferio. Valencia.


Crisal Rodriguez (1986, Barcelona) is a live poet and perfomer. She is known on the scene of European stage poetry and scientific culture. Her imaginary blooms from her background as a biologist specializing in neuroscience. It intertwines art, science and contemplation, proposing new narratives that are more sensitive to life, based on corporeal neuroscience. She rides in the horizon between science and sci-fi fields. She regularly performs in Poetry Slam competitions and has participated in many festivals and exhibitions (Barcelona Poesía, Researcher’s Night, Kosmopolis, Forum for Unwanted Loneliness).




Performing at Llobregat Poetry Slam.

Crisal Rodriguez is a Barcelona-based transdisciplinary artist and broadcaster with a background and passion for neuroscience. Her creative languages are poetry and movement.

Her work is oriented both locally and internationally. She defines herself as an artist guided by the scientific method and contemplation. She enjoys riding narratives in the horizon between science and sci-fi fields, proposing new and updated approaches to create a more balanced and sustainable way of being in this planet, our home. And scientific culture is a key to achieve it.

She creates experiences that deepen and refine our perception of what reality is and also, concerning that which makes us human. Crisal sees the body and its processes as the key for the development of higher states of consciousness, when they are approached with a contemplative attitude. One of her aims is to open spaces that allow us to break through natural states of uncertainty and face the challenges posed by the modern world with a different perspective.  For this, she uses day-to-day movements and rituals as a window to observe what we can’t directly see or put into words. Her projects are based on the mind-body connection, integrating the many different levels of reality that mold our perception and influence our decision-making processes, which converge to create this, the world we live in. Using reflection, humor, and kindness, she explores how neuroscience (embodied cognition, enaction, and somatic marker theories) and certain biomimicry principles can be organically understood and applied to live in a more sensitive, critical, and sustainable way.

Photo: Corinna Gaiser.

Crisal’s work has been showcased in Barcelona, around Spain, and in the UK. To mention some, she has performed in CCCB (Kosmopolis), Cosmocaixa (Researcher’s Night), Castell de Montjuic, Palacio Cibeles and Residencia de Estudiantes.

At the present moment, she works as an artist, broadcaster and teacher. She creates pieces and develops her own projects.

As a regular participant in the Poetry Slam network, she develops artistic and educational projects both with them and in collaboration with government entities. She has collaborated with the main catalan universities (UAB, UB, UPF, UPC), as well as with stablished scientific entities (Spanish Society of Neuroscience, Institut de Neurociències) and artistic partners (Barcelona Poesía, La Caldera).

Poem on demand [Ciència fricció] Exposition ~ Festival Kosmopolis. CCCB. Barcelona.

With a B.Sc. in Biology from the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, she has trained as a performer for several years in Barcelona’s performing arts schools.  She was previously involved in neuropsychology research and explored integrative health approaches. Understanding the specific limits of scientific and non-scientific approaches, has given her a solid base to cultivate a constructively critical perspective, enriching her analysis of reality.

Embodied Cognition & Art workshop ~ Festival of Consciousness. Barcelona.
